Chateau Unang Harvest Note 2015 Heat was the over-riding element through the 2015 growing season – heat punctuated by significant storms. There was plenty of rain during a mild winter but a cold snap in February seemed to delay the start of the growing season. There was pressure from powdery mildew from the start, but the disease issue of the year was Black Rot. While we were … [Read more...]
Open House and Musical Soiree 8th and 9th July
Two exciting dates this week. Wednesday is open to all, come at whatever time suits you between 10 in the morning and 6 in the evening. Try the wine, taste the delicious local products that we put in our picnics, and the fantastic cheeses that go with each of our wines. All completely free and in a very relaxed and convivial atmosphere. There is also a great exhibition of photographs by Indra … [Read more...]
Open House, Photo exhibition, fantastic local produce 25th April
So excited to announce that this saturday from 10 till 6 we are having an open day at the cave. Not only will you have the chance to taste each of our delicious wines, including the recently bottled 2014 rosé and 2014 Blanc but also a chance to discover the wonderful photographs of Indra Van Regemorter. Indra is a talented photographer originally from Belgium, who has a wonderful eye for … [Read more...]
Découvertes en Vallée du Rhône
This week, if you are a wine professional, we would be delighted to show you our wines in Avignon. We will be at Bistro Balthazar with the Grenache lovers on Tuesday night, all day Wednesday and Thursday on stand G91 in Espace Jeanne Laurent just to the north of the Palais des Papes during the Salon, and on the Mireio on the Rhône on Wednesday evening with the Femmes Vignes Rhône. … [Read more...]
100% Organic
This week we had an exciting yet tense day in the year where we blend the wines. We were working out the delicious mixtures that will become the red, la Source and la Croix 2013 (making all our production now certified organic) and the white, Adeline and rosé 2014 (which have been certified organic since 2012). We were very pleased with the results. When we blend the wine we treat each … [Read more...]
Woolly Winter Treatment for the Vineyard.
Once the leaves have all fallen from the vines, and the weather has become crisp, the team of workers move in. Our local shepherd, having had his sheep in the mountains all summer, needs grass for his flock during the winter. We need the vineyard, weeds and grass around the base of the vines cleaned up. It is a wonderful arrangement that we have had in place for at least 5 years which works … [Read more...]
Harvest Report 2014 by James
2014 - We had a good wet winter with 310mm rain for January and February (plus 132mm in December 2013) filling up all the aquifers. All the wet weather also kept the temperatures relatively mild so vine growth was two weeks ahead in the Spring. But after a dry April/May/June the rain came back with an unusual 53mm in July (up to a whopping 200mm in some villages in the Rhone valley). This … [Read more...]
Wine, Cheese and ‘Dark’ Dance
Last night seemed to be a great success, about 50 people arrived at the cave. They were then guided by the dancers to the Chateau via a series of tableaux - which were rather macabre to say the least. The theme for the week was 'dark' apparently, perhaps I should have asked, and so one of the first tableaux was just a head and arms motionless visible from under a pile of rocks! Once on the … [Read more...]
Two Dates to Visit Chateau Unang
Save the dates! Two great outings next week. July 9th open house all day. At the cave, come and try the wine, eat the local specialities that we put in our picnics, try the perfect cheese with its dream wine partner - all six couples - wander through the vineyard on the signed sentier vigneron in this truly beautiful hidden vineyard. 10th July on the terrace of Chateau Unang - an exclusive … [Read more...]
Perico Legasse
There are several ways to taste and buy Chateau Unang wine this weekend. Tonight Friday at the amazingly picturesque Venasque evening market (17h-20h), tomorrow Saturday at the cave, on the road to Methamis from Malemort du Comtat, or Sunday at the Fetes de Cerises at Malemort de Comtat which is on all day. (One of the highlights of this is the cherry stone spitting competition ! Prizes have been … [Read more...]