Two Dates to Visit Chateau Unang

Portes OuvertesSave the dates! Two great outings next week. July 9th open house all day. At the cave, come and try the wine, eat the local specialities that we put in our picnics, try the perfect cheese with its dream wine partner – all six couples – wander through the vineyard on the signed sentier vigneron in this truly beautiful hidden vineyard.cheese table

10th July on the terrace of Chateau Unang – an exclusive soirée of our wine, plus a cheese carefully selected by Claudine Vigier, master of cheese, to match each of our 6 wines PLUS dance. Instant Pudding a group of dancers from all over France will be performing a ‘composition instantanée’ in the jardin a la francaise – in the hedges/maze. Entry for this evening starts at 18h. Please telephone or email to reserve your place.- 20


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