Spring Wild Flowers

flaxThis time of year is a wonderful time for wild flowers at Chateau Unang.  The selection of beautiful delicate flowers and bushes that appear each year, are rarely exactly the same and very dependant on the weather over the preceding winter.

imageWonderful little orchids, wild thyme, euphorbia, gladioli, cistus, to name very few.  If you come to taste the wine we have put up a signed vineyard/woodland walk that gives you a chance to spot some of these treasures.Wild Gladioli

The flowers seem to mostly be blue or yellow to start with and then the pink and white ones pop their heads up.  At the moment the Broom is wafting delicious scents from the woods and edges of the vineyard, the cherries are ripe and juicy, and the wonderful blue moving sea of aphyllanthe de Montpellier (no english name) which carpets the woods and terraces at this time of year, starlike flowers on coarse blue green stalks that close at night, is at its best.aphyllanthe de Montpellier



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