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23 weeks ago by Chateau Unang
Focus sur la cartographie climatique de l’AOC Ventoux
L’AOC Ventoux poursuit ses travaux et réflexions sur le climat futur et son impact sur la vigne, en s’appuyant sur des ateliers de transferts de compétences. Le dernier en date était consacré à la cartographie du climat. «Devenir un exemple de développement harmonieux et durable en proté... -
24 weeks ago by Chateau Unang
Ce samedi - 11-15h vous etes bienvenus - au Caveau de Chateau Unang - a bientot. -
29 weeks ago by Chateau Unang
Discovering the Peak of the Rhône in Ventoux
Discovering the Peak of the Rhône in Ventoux -
33 weeks ago by Chateau Unang
The almond trees started blooming this weekend, carpets of violets, and ants appeared - things are warming up at Chateau Unang. -
36 weeks ago by Chateau Unang
16 degrees yesterday/hier. 👙 -
36 weeks ago by Chateau Unang
Dog bed chewed disaster or luxury transport for wine samples success? -
36 weeks ago by Chateau Unang
Silver lining of the dogs chewing half their bed - comfy transport for wine samples
@followers 🥳
Chateau Unang 🥰