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  • 13 weeks ago by

  • 13 weeks ago by

    Ce samedi - 11-15h vous etes bienvenus - au Caveau de Chateau Unang - a bientot.
    13 weeks ago Chateau Unang 2
    @followers 🥳
    13 weeks ago Elisabeth Picco-Hertges 1
    Chateau Unang 🥰
    13 weeks ago Jean Jacques Dumand 2
    je recommande très bons vins. excellent accueil
    13 weeks ago Maggie Fraser 1
    Si j'habitais tout pres ......!
  • 17 weeks ago by

    lots of information about asian hornets
  • 19 weeks ago by

  • 22 weeks ago by

    The almond trees started blooming this weekend, carpets of violets, and ants appeared - things are warming up at Chateau Unang.
  • 23 weeks ago by

    Wine paris 2024 day 3 ❤️❤️❤️
  • 26 weeks ago by

    16 degrees yesterday/hier. 👙
    26 weeks ago Samuel Runge 1
    Wonderful! Greetings from Sweden where it's around -15 at the moment 🙂
    26 weeks ago Chateau Unang
    Samuel Runge 🥶
  • 26 weeks ago by

    Dog bed chewed disaster or luxury transport for wine samples success?
  • 26 weeks ago by

    Silver lining of the dogs chewing half their bed - comfy transport for wine samples
    26 weeks ago Brett Boyes 1
    Winner winner
    26 weeks ago Lyn Ware 1
    Every cloud …..!
    26 weeks ago In Dra
    I guess you will have to let go of 'perfectionism'...🙈😂
  • 28 weeks ago by

    nous serons a Paris mi Fevrier...
  • 29 weeks ago by

    Finishing off 2023 with our last bottle of La Croix 2003 (first year La Croix was made) - pleased to report a rich and smooth fruit presence in the wine - lower acidity as expected for 2003 but great to see it’s very much alive 20 years on. Have a wonderful 2024! Happy New Year! Nous terminons l'année 2023 avec notre dernière bouteille de La Croix 2003 (première année de production de La Croix) - nous avons le plaisir de constater que le vin est riche et fruité - l'acidité est plus faible comme prévu pour 2003, mais c'est un plaisir de voir qu'il est très vivant 20 ans plus tard. Nous vous souhaitons une merveilleuse année 2024 ! Bonne année à tous !
    29 weeks ago Jesper Mansted
    Happy New Year to you, see you in March 🍷🍾
    29 weeks ago Chateau Unang 1
    Jesper Mansted Very Happy and successful New Year!
    29 weeks ago Brian Goodall
    Happy New Year James to you and yours.
    29 weeks ago Chateau Unang 1
    Brian Goodall many thanks and excellent New year to you all also
    29 weeks ago Geoff Wilcox
    Happy new year. Thank you good memories
    29 weeks ago Chateau Unang
    Geoff Wilcox Very Happy New Year!
    29 weeks ago Linda Ritter
    Happy New Year !🎊🎆
    29 weeks ago Chateau Unang 1
    Linda Ritter Very Happy New Year!
    29 weeks ago Lyn Ware
    Happy 2024 to you all & we hope to be back over again next year! 🍷xx
    29 weeks ago Chateau Unang 1
    Lyn Ware Very Happy New Year and see you next year!
    29 weeks ago Ali Loder
    Celebrated Xmas with a bottle of 2015 La Croix! I gave my last bottle of 2003 away.....
    29 weeks ago Chateau Unang 1
    Ali Loder got to take the rough with the smooth !- happy 2024 to you all xx
    29 weeks ago Kenny Smart
    Happy New year from Kenny Audrey and all the dogs 🐕
    29 weeks ago Chateau Unang
    Kenny Smart Very Happy New Year to you all and hope you had an excellent hogmany!
    29 weeks ago Maggie Fraser
    Bonne nouvelle année!